Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sometimes life sucks...

My brother-in-law(who lives in Santiago Chile) and his daughter(Chloe age 4) were going to come to South Africa for holiday and bringing his wife ashes home to her family for a final good bye ceremony....

Then Air Malaysia cancelled the flight from Buenos Aires to Cape Town; they did compensate though by booking him on South African Airways, BUT then the problems started. His LAN flight from Santiago to Buenos Aires would arrive to late to make the SAA flight.... and LAN plainly refuses to change that flight UNLESS he pays in US$ course, money that he does not have! And Malaysia refuses to help him, because he did not book at a travel agent( which he did enquire about...they were US$2000 more expensive!!)

So he cancelled everything. And if I feel so depressed about His trip cancelled, I wonder how depressed he must feel??????????


  1. Ek het 'n soortgelyke storie, maar ons s'n eindig darem op 'n goeie noot. Ons vlug van Mauritius na SA was 1h30min vertraag, omdat die vliegtuig uit Bumbai 30min laat was. Dus ons ons die "connection flight" van JHB na Kaapstad gemis en moes 'n ander vlug boek. Gelukkig was daar op die volgende vlug nog plek, en omdat dit vertraging nie ons skuld was nie, het ons geen ekstra betaling gemaak nie - hulle het net die kaartjies omgeruil.
    Jammer vir jou swaer en sy kind. Dis seker vir hulle 'n groot teleurstelling!

  2. Wow!!! that really does suck! Remember this... when life knocks you down on your knees, you're in the perfect position to pray!!!!
