Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I found this book at a rummage sale a while ago, not knowing when I will have the time to read it. I started when we were on holiday a month ago. Initially I struggled to get into the story, but persevered.... well, it was not an easy read. Mr Lamb uses a bit of foul language which I didn't appreciate, he uses "big" words that I had to google because the dictionary I have doesn't contain those words! ( I used a dictionary the kids used in high school). But I got into the story and eventually couldn't wait to find out how the story ends. I enjoyed the book, but I wouldn't rush out to the shop to go and buy a new copy....but I think it was not a bad read altogether. I think what was biggest turnoff for me is that God is not acknowledged as the one and only God ... and as a believer I wanted that to come through eventually.

Otherwise I've been knitting squares for a friend of mine. They want to knit blankets for a orphanage in the country side. I think they want 60 blankets. Each blanket will consist of 7 by 11 blocks. I've knit 10 blocks so far. I've also knitted a fluffy winter scarf which came out lovely. It's a mixture between brown and black - my 2 favourite winter colours! No quilting at the moment, as I am busy with admin duties for my husband. Next week life will be back to normal. I've got a quilt loaded on the frame, but first I need to finish the admin as the deadline is 31 May. After that: let the games begin....aka let the quilting begin!

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